What’s New?
Mission Elevation Success Stories: Hope Cupit and SERCAP
Prior to joining Mission Elevation, Hope Cupit, CEO of Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc. (SERCAP), realized that her organization needed a major departmental reorganization. She knew that Mission Elevation was a sustainability program and believed it could help SERCAP tackle several performance challenges: getting new loan products, faster automation, faster services, and improving marketing initiatives. We asked Hope to reflect on her experience, where she shared that she achieved more than she could have expected from the program.
Mission Elevation: Cohort 6 Details
The Mission Elevation program is an extension of VCDC's commitment to ensure communities are vibrant for all residents. Created 5 years ago, Mission Elevation is the newly named iteration of the successful program the Nonprofit Sustainability Challenge.
Mission Elevation: Frequently Asked Questions
The Mission Elevation program is an extension of VCDC's commitment to ensure communities are vibrant for all residents. Created 5 years ago, Mission Elevation is the newly named iteration of the successful program the Nonprofit Sustainability Challenge.
Black History Museum
For decades the Leigh Street Armory has served as a strong symbol of strength, perseverance, and pride in the historic Jackson Ward district. Today, after an adaptive reuse renovation, the Armory is once again a vibrant cornerstone of the neighborhood, serving as the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia.
Mission Elevation on Main St.
Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance has set out to reverse the many years of economic decline, revitalize the downtown area and sustain Harrisonburg’s Main Street as a destination location.